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Liam Scott

The Chew Chair

The Chew Chair

Aiming to use the past to inform the present, designer Liam Scott proudly unveils the Chew Chair, a distinctive piece that bridges historical craftsmanship with modern design. This chair represents the culmination of extensive research into the furniture traditions of the Ming and early Qing dynasties, seamlessly combining the Western concept of a lounge chair with the distinctive characteristics and aesthetics of chairs from this significant period in Chinese history.⁠

Fascinated by the intricate design history of these dynasties, his goal was to preserve the aesthetics of an era traditionally reliant on hand tools while adapting the design for modern production. The result is a unique, culturally resonant piece that maintains the elegance and craftsmanship of its historical counterparts while being designed for modern production.⁠

Regular price £3,800.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £3,800.00 GBP
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